>A business trip…

Posted on March 24, 2009. Filed under: business trip, family stories |

>So last week was crazy! We left on March 14 (Saturday) for a vacation on the beach in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco for those of you who don’t speak English- LOL- I cracked myself up there).
We returned on March 18 (Wednesday) and the next day I had to fly to Vegas for the most amazing Business Conference.
I leave my 3 boys in the tender loving care of their father, my husband who had plenty for them to do, kept them so happy and busy (golfing and playing baseball) that they were chipper and delightful when I talked with them (only once) in my absence.

Upon my return 3 days later, Saturday, I blast through the door expecting jubilation and cheers (not really but it’s good for the story-really I thought maybe a bountiful hug). My 11 year old slowly drags himself off the couch and swaggers over to me in what could have been a marathon of molasses, but smiled greatly as he gave me a good hug and squeeze. Worth the wait! My 4 year old is hollering ‘Hi Mom’ and bounding forward like a clumsy puppy about to pounce and topple me over. He jumps in my arms and gives me an enormous hug and big ol’ kiss on the cheek. He even spoke the words, ‘I missed you!’ (Did I mention jubilation? He’s my favorite now!)

Um, looking around I realize I’m missing one. Well he’s decided to hang with his 8 year old buddy around the corner and shortly after my arrival calls Dad to see if he can spend the night, a wish that was granted.

I’m tired enough not to really care and know I will see the joy on his face the next day as he comes home with the delightful expectation of seeing his long lost mommy.

Sunday morning, my 9 year old arrives. I call him to me and give him a big hug and announce, “I missed you! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” To which he replies, “What do you mean?” Uh, really? Seriously? The rest of the conversation goes down like this:

me: I’ve been gone since early Thursday morning.
9 year old: You have?
me: Yeah, you didn’t notice?
9: Where were you?
me: I was in Vegas at my business convention
9: Ooohhhhh yeeeaaaahhhhh! (giggle) Yeah, I did miss you.

Right, he did! But with the revelation that I actually had been gone, he did reacquaint himself with me in terms of a massive hug.

The good, they are fine without me. (read-I’m thankful that they are strong and happy enough to miss me but not be distraught at my absence)

The bad, they are fine without me? (read-maybe a little distress would be ok?)

The ugly, they are Fine without me! (read-Ok pretend misery and perplexity would be absolutely accepted!)

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2 Responses to “>A business trip…”

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>Love the way you express yourself. I raised three boys myself. Doesn’t it just break your heart with joy!!!

>Love your blog and the way your sense of humor comes out. With three boys (I can relate) you can’t help but laugh when you are to the point of pulling your hair!I get a lot of the “o yeah!” when I remind my boys that they haven’t kissed me after picking them up from school. They also have the selective hearing when playing with their video games and I get an auto response “love you”.My boys are a mess but they are my mess, and I love my messy life! I am your new blog fan! xoxo,Blanca

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